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Are angels real or imaginary?

ID: AROI-281214-1813

Do you believe in Angels? First and foremost, would be the consideration from an overall

religious perspective, second to that would have to be from a scientific principle and finally,

from the individuals perception. The latter I believe being the most significant, relevant and

accurate in settling the debate. 

Let us first look at this from a religious perspective, common ground if you like and I believe by

the majority. Many, if not all Christian believers accept lovingly the concepts, religious principle

and theology of Angels. After all, they are spoken much of in the Bible, the Christians Handboo

k to guide them on their journey through life.

Angels as proclaimed in the Bible are responsible for performing many tasks on behalf of God.

In many respects, one could say they are the Spiritual Messengers of God. These spiritual messengers have many times according to the Christian Bible spoken to mankind and have taken on a “physical” form in our world to do so.

Many Christians I am sure will admit that on at least one or more occasions they have been blessed and privileged to receive a visiting Angel. Even I would admit to the same, and for me, indeed they are “real”! 

However, despite this overwhelming evidence I had experienced and found in the in the Bible, I found the Church seems to hold a slightly different view. It was told to me by a Christian Counselor and Scripture Teacher that; “the Bible is not meant to be taken literally”. This for me was a “mind-blower”! I had my first glimpse of overwhelming hypocrisy from within the Church at a close and very personal level. Needless to say I lost faith in the Church, not the God I believed in nor the Angels, those I perceived as God’s Messengers. Of which I might add had over my lifetime many visits from. 

However, in saying this, of course I have no physical or scientific proof of such, only my word that in-deed I had received a privileged visit from them. I began to think seriously about this concept and realized something very profound. Religious theology has no proof of anything, but a word recorded by men, as is the Doctrine of any Church. This for me was the second major catapult in my life, and henceforth I began my Christian Challenge. This Christian would Challenge the Church Doctrine and free myself at least from the enslavement of “religion”, not God. 

Therefore, from a “personal” perception, yes, I have no choice but to believe in these loving and peaceable spiritual beings. In-deed, they brought messages to help when I was in trouble, mostly with “spiritual” issues in my life; especially when I encountered and was confronted with a Free Mason woman practicing the craft of Wicca. 

They (Angels), came because I had “asked” God in Prayer for help and answers; I was confused and frightened, spiritually I knew something was terribly wrong in my life. 

In response to my prayers then, I received not only “spiritual” Angels, but “human” ones as well. I believe the definition of “Angel” according to the Bible is; to announce and forewarn, guide and instruct, guard and defend, to minister in need and to assist in judgment. I can honestly say, they do in-deed, both spiritual angels and human alike, does just that and they do it very well. But of course, like so many others, I have no proof. Mind you though, there is no proof they do not exist either, but only heresy that they do or don’t. 
Looking beyond religion and the Bible, to scientific principle and subsequent evidence of course there is none. 

Angels, like God are “spiritual” beings, they can only be seen through the eyes of the beholder. The “beholder” in this case I spiritually defined as; the chosen one who is blessed and privileged enough to receive spiritual help from God by way of a messenger in his or her world. In addition to this, God is only too well aware of the consequence to His Angels should they be “discovered?” Man is naive, God is not! 

I have no doubt at all that if an Angel were to be “caught” it would no doubt become the stage for exploitation and human abuse as all that is good seems to become. That is why I believe Angels will never allow themselves, nor will God allow them to be “caught” in any way, manner, shape or form. If anyone is in doubt over the issue of whether or not humans would exploit Angels, just take a look at the world so far. 

Humanism has exploited and abused just about every single thing made available, including all of God’s kingdoms on earth and beyond. 
Looking at it from an individual’s perception in general; ultimately, faith is all people really have in this world; it is the only tangible thing many can whole-heartedly rely on and trust. If nothing else we can guarantee ourselves of in life is that; neither God nor His Angels will ever take us anywhere we shouldn’t be. Their message, whatever it is and for whomever will all ways be in the interest of the human concerned. 

Spiritual relationships are not a shared event, especially with Angels. As many will find in the Bible, Angels rarely spoke with an audience of any kind. 

Who is anyone in any field, ministry and/ or profession to say Angels do or do not exist. 

Neither science, religion as a whole, nor man as an individual has any proof either way. Although, what we do have as “indirect” proof is this; many times the “Spirit Of Life”, (makes the word sound of; SOL), will often defy the principles of science and human logic and reasoning. People call these events “miracles”. 

Thus, I can only conclude in saying; whatever the “spirit” is that consistently in so many instances defies science and human life as we know it, “is welcomed”. This I believe is where any debate should rest; “with the individual and his or her personal spiritual experiences. Just because one may have not yet had them, is not for anyone to say, they don’t exist. To do so, is a form of “dictatorship” causing self-doubt in one’s own credibility and subsequently to rob them of one of the most precious resources available to humankind; “Spiritual Wealth”. 

Where the physical world often fails to provide for our needs in some way or another, I believe the metaphysical (spiritual), world shall fill the void. This is the Spiritual Wealth all “real” Christian’s possess and is held in their undying tangible faith in that; God shall all ways provide for them one way or another. 

God Bless all those who hold Faith in what has not been seen, but is belived regardless. 



Copyright 2010 ~Mysriannah~ (PEN)

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